Some foods require precision in preparation and knowledge of variety in order to consume safely. Hazardous foods can have high levels of toxins, poison, and can cause sickness or even death. The following is a list of the 10 most dangerous foods. This list includes a number of different foods, the reasons that make them dangerous, and the risk in consuming them.
Certain varieties of foods themselves are poisonous, while some are toxic in high amounts, and some can cause lethal sickness if not eaten properly. Read on below to see the list of the 10 most dangerous foods people consume regularly and how to avoid the potentially dangerous effects of these foods.
The List of the 10 Most Dangerous Foods To Eat At Your Own Risk
10. Mushrooms
Risk: Hallucinations, Poisoning, Death

Mushrooms can be potentially lethal if certain varieties are consumed. Beyond the potential for toxic poisoning, some mushrooms also have hallucinogenic properties, which if abused, can have dangerous consequences for the consumer. Mushrooms come in all types, some safe, and some dangerous, so please be careful and do not consume wild mushrooms unless you are very knowledgable on this food.
9. Coffee
Risk: Increased Heart Rate, Anxiety, Sleep Disruption

Coffee is full of caffeine which if consumed too often, can have a variety of negative affects on your health. Drinking excessive amounts of coffee can disrupt your gut health and hurt your digestive tract. It can increase heart rate, which can also increase your risk of having a heart attack. Coffee can exacerbate anxiety and stress. While there are some positive health and brain benefits to consuming coffee in moderation, it is important to monitor your coffee intake and not hurt your heart health.
8. Cassava
Risk: Cyanide Exposure, Allergy

Cassava is more commonly known as tapioca. It is important that this root be prepared properly since cassava can produce cyanide, which if consumed enough, can be deadly. Some people are also allergic to this plant and should avoid consuming it altogether as food allergies can have the potential to be deadly if unknown, or if not treated by a medical professional soon after having an allergic reaction.
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7. Tuna
Risk: Food Poisoning, Child Development, Mercury Poisoning

Tuna is one of the most popular fish in the world, but it should be consumed moderately since it can contain toxic levels of mercury when eaten too often. A United States government advisory has warned against young children and pregnant women consuming too much white tuna due to concerns of high mercury levels damaging children’s nervous systems. Like any fish, tuna can also cause food poisoning, so it is important that tuna be stored properly. Foods high in mercury should not be consumed too often either way as it can be toxic.
6. Rhubarb
Risk: Poisoning, Death

Rhubarb leaves have a number of toxins in them, so it is important to avoid eating them as they can be poisonous and potentially lethal. This vegetable’s stalk has been used in desserts for years as they are perfectly safe. Even though the leaves can be consumed in small quantities, and even has medicinal history in Asia, the CDC has recommended that the leaves of rhubarb not be consumed in any way. So enjoy your rhubarb pastries, but avoid the leaves, entirely if possible.
5. Leafy Greens
Risk: Food Poisoning, Death

The majority of contamination in leafy greens come from Nirovirus, Ecoli, and Salmonella. Any of these can cause extreme symptoms of sickness which can lead to death. The FDA has shared that there have been prevalent outbreaks linked to leafy greens over the years. Many of these contaminants are introduced during production when coming into contact with contaminated water or animal manure. Thankfully, in many cases, if these contaminated greens are caught early, they can be recalled to help consumers.
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4. Peanut
Risk: Allergy, Shock, Death

Peanut allergies have been rising dramatically in prevalence over the years. It is the most common cause of food related allergy deaths. It is not fully understood why the peanut allergy is so lethal and has been on the rise, but it is important that people be careful and considerate of others that may have this allergy. It is essential that those with a known peanut allergy carry an EpiPen to protect themselves if they are exposed to a peanut. This can help buy some time if the person goes into anaphylactic shock prior to getting medical attention. About 1% of the population have a peanut allergy.
3. Ackee
Risk: Poisoning, Coma, Death

Ackee is the national fruit of Jamaica. It was originally native to Africa, and made its way to Jamaica in the late 1700s. It is important that this fruit is consumed properly. Unripe ackee has hypoglycin, a poison that can cause Jamaican Vomiting Sickness. This can lead to coma and even death. Before eating, you must wait until the pods turn red and open on their own. The black seeds inside are toxic and should be avoided. The edible yellow fruit inside is delicious, but it must be eaten with caution.
2. Fugu
Risk: Poisoning, Death

In order to serve fugu (blowfish) chefs must train for at least two years for a fugu preparing license. Even with such extensive training around preparation, eating Fugu comes with some pretty serious risk. The liver, intestines, and ovaries contain a poison call tetrodotoxin. This toxin is incredibly poisonous and even a trace amount can kill dozens of people. Because of the exclusivity and required training for serving fugu, it is a very expensive dish and considered a delicacy.
1. Hot Dogs
Risk: Asphyxiation, Death

Hot dogs are a staple food of American barbecues and consumed regularly, but it is important to exercise caution when serving them to children ages 10 and under. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, hot dogs are a choking hazard for younger children. In fact, 17% of food related asphyxiation are caused by hot dogs for children 10 and under. So while kids may love hot dogs, they must be consumed with caution, and ideally, with company nearby as to avoid choking.
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