Fun & Safe Drinking Game Categories

A toast to the brave, the adventurous, and those ready for a night of merriment – welcome to the realm of drinking games! Step into the mysterious world of card-based games and test your skill and luck in captivating favorites like Kings, Pyramid, or the Circle of Death. Delve into the gripping thrill of paced challenges waiting for those who dare such as Power Hour and Century Club. Venture further into the labyrinth and discover ingenious, unconventional games that break traditional molds, ranging from digitized apps to those that call for an episode from your favorite TV show. Yet in all this high spirits and laughter, remember to tread safely. Respect for boundaries, knowing when to pause, and championing the welfare of all involved are invaluable rules that keep the joy in the games. So, brace yourselves for a journey quite unlike any other!


Fun & Safe Drinking Game Categories

Card Base Drinking Games
1.1 Kings
1.2 Circle of Death
1.3 Pyramid
Pace Based Drinking Games
2.1. Power Hour
2.2 Century Club
Movie & TV Based Drinking Games
3.1 Game of Thrones Game
3.2 Jaws Game
3.3 Parks and Recreation Game
Digital Based Drinking Games
4.1 Picolo
4.2 Game of Shots
4.3 Drinkie

Safety and Etiquette in Drinking Games

Card-Based Drinking Games

Drinking Games with Cards

Many drinking games have incorporated the use of a deck of cards due to their versatility and ease of access. The rules and objectives of these games are often a combination of skill, randomness, and alcohol consumption.


Kings is a popular drinking game using a deck of cards where each card has a rule attached to it. The rules can vary widely between different groups, but often involve players taking turns drawing a card and the group participates in the rule associated with the card. For example, if a player draws a 2, then they “take two” drinks; a 5 might mean that player does a “jive” or dance. One constant rule is that the player who draws the fourth King must drink the contents of a cup in the center of the table, which has been filled with an assortment of beverages by players throughout the game.

Full Rules for Kings Drinking Game

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Circle of Death

Circle of Death is a similar game to Kings. The cards are spread out in a circle, face down, around a large cup. Players take turns drawing a card and must perform actions based on the card’s value and suit. The game ends when all cards have been drawn from the circle or when the “death cup” in the center is drunk, usually due to someone pulling a specified card, like a King or Queen. The diversity of rules and actions, often including a mix of luck and skill-based challenges, keep this game interesting and often hilarious.

Full Rules for Circle of Death Drinking Game

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Another drinking game that uses a deck of cards is Pyramid. The game is structured with a tier of cards arranged in a pyramid shape. From bottom to top, the rows carry increasing drink values. Players each have four cards in a separate pile. One by one, the cards in the pyramid are flipped over. If a player has a card that matches the flipped card, they can “give” the equivalent drinks based on the card’s tier level to another player or “take” the drinks themselves. However, if the accused player can prove they do not have a matching card, the accuser must take double the drinks. The game proceeds until all cards in the pyramid are flipped.

Full Rules for Pyramid

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Drinking games often offer a unique blend of cooperation and competition. Players may need to collaborate to ensure the game’s progression, although rivalry is an innate aspect. Rules vary across different games as participants frequently add their unique, innovative twists. This could mean inventing new rules for specific cards or assigning penalties if objectives aren’t met.

Image description: A group of friends playing a card drinking game.

Paced Drinking Games

Decoding Pace-Based Drinking Games

Consider Power Hour, a drinking game that puts your timing skills and tolerance to the test. Here, participants are tasked with consuming a shot of beer every minute for a straight hour. To keep track of time, a playlist with sixty one-minute songs is often used. A more challenging variant of the Power Hour is the Century Club game, which extends the timeframe to a hundred minutes. The underlying element of these games is endurance, primarily dictated by the pace of consumption.

Full Rules for Power Hour

Full Rules for Century Club

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However, it’s crucial to highlight the safety implications of pace-based drinking games.

Consuming alcohol at a rapid pace can accelerate the impact of its intoxicating effects, which can result in a higher blood alcohol concentration (BAC). High BAC levels impair body coordination and mental judgment, thereby increasing the likelihood of risky behaviors. Severe cases can result in alcohol poisoning, which is potentially fatal.

Striking a Healthy Balance: Guidance for Sensible Involvement

Participation in pace-based drinking games necessitates a firm emphasis on personal safety and harm prevention. It’s crucial for participants to understand their personal alcohol tolerance levels and recognize when it’s time to pause. Eating before the start of the game can help slow the rate of alcohol absorption into your system, and periodically snacking during the game can have a similar effect.

Additionally, alternating between alcoholic and non-alcoholic refreshments can be beneficial as it affords your liver more time to process the alcohol and lessens the likelihood of dehydration, which often leads to hangovers. Selecting lighter beers or low-alcohol content drinks can also noticeably minimize potential negative consequences.

Moreover, abstaining from participation in such games is critical if you’re on medication or dealing with health problems that could be exacerbated by alcohol intake. Participating in pace-based drinking games, and indeed all drinking games, should consistently stress moderation and responsible drinking habits. Remember, the ultimate goal is to enjoy a good time with your friends, not to pose a risk to yourself or others.

Image depicting friends enjoying a pace-based drinking game outdoors

Miscellaneous Drinking Games

Drinking Games Inspired by Movies and Television

An abundance of drinking games are inspired by crowd-pleasing movies or TV shows, with specific scenarios or scenes initiating a drinking cue. These types of games are entertaining and straightforward to play. For example, let’s consider the widely played “Game of Thrones” drinking game. Here, participants sip their beverage each time a character meets their fate on-screen. Alternatively, there’s the “Jaws” drinking game, which prompts players to take a drink each time the infamous theme music echoes in the background.

Full Rules for Game of Thrones Drinking Game

Full Rules for Jaws Drinking Game

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Comedy shows drinking games

Comedy shows are also often used for drinking games. The “Parks and Recreation” drinking game has players drink when specific characters exhibit their characteristic behaviors – like when Leslie delivers an empowering speech about Pawnee, or when Ron says something about his dislike for the government.

Full Rules for Parks and Recreation Drinking Game

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Digital Drinking Games

With the aid of technology, many traditional drinking games have been digitized into apps for easier play and convenience. App-based drinking games like “Picolo” and “Game of Shots” are popular. These games offer pre-set games and challenges that players must abide by.

One of the unique features of digitized games is that they can be customized. For example, in the “Drinkie” app, players can personalize the questions and challenges according to their preferences. These apps also often feature timers, dice, and even spinning wheels to add more randomness and excitement to the game.]


Download Picolo Drinking Game App Store | Download Picolo Drinking Game Google Play

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Game of Shots

Download Game of Shots App Store | Download Game of Shots Google Play

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Download Drinkie App Store | Download Drinkie Google Play

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Drinking Games Requiring Unique Props

There are several drinking games that require unique props or sets of items, other than just alcohol. These games range from simple to complex, but they result in a more engaging and interactive experience.

The game of “Quarters,” for example, uses a cup and a quarter. Participants attempt to bounce a quarter off of the table and into a cup. If they’re successful, they choose who drinks. If they miss, it’s the next person’s turn.

Full Rules for Quarters Drinking Game

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“Drunk Jenga” is a twisted version of the classic stacking game. Each block in the tower has a rule written on it (like, take two drinks, start a waterfall, etc.), and when a player pulls that block, they must abide by what that rule states, adding a fun and unpredictable element to the game.

Full Rules for Drunk Jenga Drinking Game

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Custom Drinking Games

Finally, if none of the above categories apply, groups of friends can always create their own custom drinking games. With a bit of creativity, any event or activity can be turned into a fun drinking game. All it takes is a set of rules specifying when players have to take a drink.

However, as with all types of drinking games, it’s always important to ensure that everyone involved is comfortable with the rules and that the game doesn’t encourage excessive drinking that could lead to harmful consequences.

Safety and Etiquette in Drinking Games

Grasping the Concept of Your Alcohol Tolerance

Knowing your individual alcohol threshold or capacity is pivotal when participating in drinking games. This capacity can depend on various aspects like your body weight, how well you can handle alcohol, and your overall well-being. Moderating alcohol consumption isn’t just responsible, it’s also necessary for the games to retain their light-hearted and safe nature. Severe intoxication can result in reckless behavior, leading to potential harm to yourself or others, which should always be avoided. Therefore, it’s important to practice self-restraint and deter overly indulgent drinking.

Responsibility in Drinking Games

Drinking games should be approached with a sense of responsibility, not just for your own well-being, but for the well-being of others as well. As a participant, you must be observant for signs of discomfort or over-intoxication in other players. If someone appears like they need to slow down or stop, it’s important to express your concern respectfully. Additionally, making sure that there is plenty of water available and encouraging everyone to hydrate can also prevent things from going off the rails. Drinking games should be inclusive, positive, and most importantly, safe.

Ensuring Consent in Drinking Games

One of the most crucial things to remember in playing drinking games is the importance of consent. Participation must be entirely voluntary, and no one should feel pressured into drinking more than they’re comfortable with. It’s crucial to set up rules before the game starts and to respect when someone chooses not to participate. Consent is an ongoing process, and just because someone agreed to play at the start doesn’t mean they can’t opt out at any point.

Respect and Comfort in Drinking Games

The fundamental currency of any successful drinking game is respect. There needs to be a common understanding that everyone’s comfort and safety is the priority. No one should feel ostracized or pressured to keep up with the group if they aren’t able or willing. If someone becomes uncomfortable or wants to step out, the game should cease immediately. It’s crucial to remember the primary purpose of drinking games: to enhance camaraderie and enjoy each other’s company.

Alternatives and Variations

Having a variety of options at hand is a key way to ensure everyone’s comfort and enjoyment. Consider incorporating non-alcoholic drinks into the game or proposing alternative rules for those who’d rather not drink. This way, everyone can partake in the fun according to their preferences and limits. One can use a variety of games that don’t necessitate heavy drinking but still keep the spirit of sociability and friendly competition alive.

Playing Smart

Playing smart means knowing your limits and making responsible decisions. This could mean alternating alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks or stopping altogether when you feel you’ve reached your limit. It also includes ensuring you have a safe mode of transport or you’re spending the night in a secure place if you choose to drink too much. Remember, everyone has a part to play in ensuring that everyone gets home safely.

Educate Yourself

To ensure safety and enjoyment, take the time to educate yourself and others about low-risk alcohol consumption. Understanding the potential impacts and risks associated with excessive drinking can potently charge your gaming experience with a thoughtful sense of responsibility. Knowing how to manage one’s alcohol intake, recognizing when someone’s had too much, and knowing what to do in a case of alcohol poisoning can literally save lives.

A group of friends enjoying a responsible and inclusive drinking game.

So let’s lift our glasses, to the events that break the ice, forge friendships, and create stories that last a lifetime. Whether it’s the thrill of a shrewd play in a card game, the pulse of a set pace, or the novelty of something entirely different, drinking games deliver a unique flavor of fun. Every card turned, minute passed, or unique prop introduced is another step in constructing an unforgettable evening. However, amidst the laughter, cheers, and probably a little friendly competition, always remember to play responsibly. Look out for each other, respect boundaries, and place fun and safety above all else. Now, bottoms up to a night of merriment!

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