575 Animal Trivia Questions: Every Animal You Can Imagine & More

When it comes to animal trivia, you could fill an entire library with questions. If you love animal trivia, you will really appreciate this set of 575 animal trivia questions and answers for your leisure. If you are looking to play 575 animal trivia questions, that is here as well! As with most science-related questions, the answers can change over time, so we did our best in writing questions using the most contemporary information available to us as of 2023.

With close to 9 million species of animals having being identified to exist on planet earth, the amount of knowledge about them is seemingly infinite, making the topic of animals perfect for trivia. From water to air and land, the variety of living creatures that exist on mother earth are beyond vast. The diverse qualities and varying nature of these organisms are nothing short of a miracle.

Continue on for the list of 575 animal trivia questions and answers. If you are looking to play animal trivia questions, go here and click “play now”; the game will launch right on the page!


575 Animal Trivia Questions & Answers
1.1 Play Animal Trivia Questions
1.2 Read 575 Animal Trivia Questions & Answers

Animal Trivia Questions & Answers by Category
1.3 Amphibian Trivia Questions & Answers
1.4 Armadillo, Anteaters & Sloths Trivia Questions & Answers
1.5 Bear Trivia Questions & Answers
1.6 Bird Trivia Questions & Answers
1.7 Canine Trivia Questions & Answers
1.8 Cattle Trivia Questions & Answers
1.9 Elephant Trivia Questions & Answers
2.0 Feline Trivia Questions & Answers
2.1 Fish & Water Organisms Trivia Questions & Answers
2.2 Flying & Gliding Mammal Trivia Questions & Answers
2.3 Giraffe Trivia Questions & Answers
2.4 Hippopotamus Trivia Questions & Answers
2.5 Horse Trivia Questions & Answers
2.6 Insect & Arachnid Trivia Questions & Answers
2.7 Marine Mammals Trivia Questions & Answers
2.8 Marsupial Trivia Questions & Answers
2.9 Monotremes Trivia Questions & Answers
3.0 Primate Trivia Questions & Answers
3.1 Reptile Trivia Questions & Answers
3.2 Rhinoceroses Trivia Questions & Answers
3.3 Rodent & Leporidae Trivia Questions & Answers
3.4 Ruminant Mammals Trivia Questions & Answers
3.5 Weasel Trivia Questions & Answers

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3.7 Play Math Trivia
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Play Animal Trivia Questions Quiz

Read 575 Animal Trivia Questions & Answers

The following 575 animal trivia questions cover every major animal from the animal kingdom. From reptiles, to horses, aquatic creatures, and birds, we have covered every animal we could think of! Read on for hundreds of animal trivia questions and answers. Use them for your next trivia night, or just to test yourself for fun!

Amphibian Trivia

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Amphibians are a class of vertebrate animals that include frogs, toads, salamanders, and caecilians. Amphibians typically have soft, moist skin and are ectothermic, meaning that their body temperature is regulated by their external environment. Amphibians typically start their life as aquatic larvae, breathing through gills, and eventually metamorphose into adults that live on land and breathe air through their lungs. They typically reproduce by laying eggs in water, and may spend part or all of their lives in water or on land.

If you are interested in learning more, read on for 25 amphibian trivia questions & answers!

Amphibian Trivia Questions & Answers

1. What is the longest living amphibian?

The Blind Salamander or the Olm

2. What is the most poisonous newt known to man?

The Rough-skinned Newt

3. What is the smallest species of amphibian?

The Paedophryne Amauensis

4. What is the only amphibian that spends its entire life cycle in the ocean?

The Axolotls

5. How many species of amphibians are there?

More than 6,000

6. What is the most common amphibian in North America?

The Frog

7. What type of amphibian is the axolotl?

A Salamander

8. What type of amphibian has four eyes?

The Colombian Four-eyed Frog

9. What type of amphibian has a tail when it is in its larval stage?

The Spotted Salamanders

10. What type of amphibian can breathe through its skin?

The Titicaca Water Frog or the Hellbender Salamander

11. What type of amphibian lays its eggs in water?

Amphibious Frogs

12. Which frog genus lays its eggs on land?


13. Which amphibian does not have tongue?

African Clawed Toad

14. What amphibian order do salamanders belong to?

The Caudata

15. What type of amphibian is a frog?


16. What type of amphibian is a caecilian?


17. What type of amphibian is an alpine newt?


18. What type of amphibian is a toad?


19. What type of frog is generally considered to be the most poisonous frog on earth, to man?

The Golden Poison Dart Frog

20. According to aquaticsciences.org, which frog can leap the farthest?

South African Sharp-nosed Frog

21. What type of amphibian is a newt?


22. How do frogs drink water?

They Absorb it Through Their Skin

23. What is believed to be the largest living amphibian species in the animal kingdom, according to newscientist.com?

The Chinese Giant Salamander

24. Which Louisiana State University herpetologist discovered the Paedophryne Amauensis frog species in August 2009?

Christopher Austin

25. What is believed to be the fastest amphibian in the world, moving at 15 mph?

The Andean Salamander

Armadillo, Anteaters, & Sloths Trivia

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Armadillos, Anteaters and Sloths are all species of mammals found in the Neotropical region of Central and South America. Armadillos are small, burrowing animals with a protective shell made of bony plates. They forage for insects by digging in the ground and can curl up into a ball to protect themselves from predators. Anteaters are larger animals that feed on ants and termites. They have long snouts, slender bodies and long, sharp claws that they use to dig into ant and termite nests. Sloths are slow-moving animals that hang from trees. They have long, curved claws adapted for gripping tree branches and they feed on leaves, fruits, and insects. They also have a thick fur coat that helps to keep them warm in the cool, wet rainforest environment.

If these unique creatures make you smile, read on for 25 armadillo, anteater, & sloth trivia questions & answers!

Armadillo, Anteaters, & Sloths Trivia Questions & Answers

26. What is the scientific name for an armadillo?

Dasypus Novemcinctus

27. How many species of armadillo are there?


28. What is the average size of an armadillo?

About 15 to 45 inches in length

29. What is the armadillo’s primary form of defense?

Rolling up into a tight ball

30. What type of environment do armadillos typically inhabit?

Dry, grassy areas or forests

31. What is the scientific name for the two-toed sloth?

Choloepus didactylus

32. How many species of sloths are there?


33. What is the average lifespan of a sloth in the wild?

20 to 30 years

34. What is the top speed a sloth can reach?

6 meters per minute or 0.15 miles per hour

35. What is the main food source for sloths?

Leaves, fruits, and buds of trees and shrubs

36. How many teeth do anteaters have?


37. What is generally accepted as the world’s slowest moving animal?

The Three Toed Sloth

38. What type of animal is an anteater?

A Toothless, Insect-eating Mammal

39. Anteaters have no teeth – what type of mouthparts do they use to catch their prey?

Their Long Tongues

40. How many species of anteater are there?


41. What is the scientific name for the giant anteater?

Myrmecophaga Tridactyla

42. What are the main foods in the diet of an anteater?

Ants and Termites

43. How do anteaters carry their young?

On their back

44. How many claws does an anteater have on their forefoot?


45. What is the largest species of anteater?

The Giant Anteater

46. What is the average lifespan of an anteater in human care?

Up to 26 Years

47. What type of habitat do anteaters prefer?

Wetlands, grasslands and tropical forests

48. How many claws does an anteater have on their hind foot?


49. What is the average lifespan of the two-toed sloth?

20 Years

50. What is the longest ever recorded lifespan of any sloth species?

43 Years

Bear Trivia

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Bears are a type of mammal that are typically large and omnivorous. They are found in many places around the world, including North America, Europe, Asia, and South America. They have thick fur and sharp claws, making them well-adapted to a variety of environments. Bears live in forests, mountains, and sometimes even in urban areas. They are usually solitary animals, but some species live in large groups called clans or sloths. Bears are known to be very intelligent animals, able to remember routes, remember human faces, and even use tools.

To learn more fun facts about bears, check out these 25 bear trivia questions & answers!

Bear Trivia Questions & Answers

51. According to nationalzoo.si.edu, how long do pandas spend eating per day?

10 to 16 Hours Per Day

52. What color is a polar bear’s skin?


53. When bears hibernate, what is the lighter state of sleep used to conserve energy called?


54. What is generally considered to be the largest known bear on earth, according to loc.gov?

Polar Bears

55. What is the name of the bear who starred in the Disney film, The Jungle Book?


56. What is the scientific name for the American black bear?

Ursus americanus

57. What is the smallest species of bear?

Malayan Sun Bear

58. What type of bear is the symbol of the state of California?

The California Grizzly Bear

59. What type of bear is character Winnie the Pooh the “Winnie the Pooh” stories based on?

A Black Bear

60. What is the name of the stuntman that played the bear in the film “The Revenant”?

Glenn Ennis

61. What is the name of the bear mascot for the University of California, Berkeley?


62. What is the name of the bear species native to parts of India, Nepal, and Bhutan?

The Sloth Bear

63. What the two bear species native to Japan?

The Asian black bear and the brown bear

64. What is the scientific name for the brown bear?

Ursus arctos

65. What genus is the Sun Bear?


66. What is the only bear species to have largely white fur?

Polar Bear

67. Which bear is the national animal of Finland?

The Brown Bear

68. What is the collective name for a group of bears?

A sloth of bears

69. What is the scientific name for the Brown Bear?

Ursus Arctos

70. What is the only bear species native to South America?

Spectacled Bear

71. What is the biggest bear species?

Polar Bear

72. How many subspecies of black bear are there?


73. About how tall is a Sun Bear?

28 inches tall

74. How far can a bear run in one hour?

25 miles

75. What is the average lifespan of a bear in the wild?

20-25 years

Bird Trivia

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Birds are a group of winged vertebrates that have evolved over millions of years. They have a variety of characteristics that make them unique, such as feathers, beaks, and wings. Most birds are capable of flight and some species are even able to dive underwater for food. They are found in nearly every corner of the world, from the Arctic to the Antarctic. There are approximately 10,000 species of birds, many of which are in decline due to human activities. Birds play an important role in ecosystems, as they help to control pest populations and transport vital nutrients through their droppings. They are also important for pollination, as many species are important pollinators of flowers.

Find out more interesting bird facts with the following 25 bird trivia questions and answers.

Bird Trivia Questions & Answers

76. According to seaworld.org, which penguin can jump the highest out of water?

The Adélie Penguin

77. According to illinois.edu, how many turkeys are cooked and eaten in the U.S. on Thanksgiving?

More Than 45 million

78. Which bird is known to have the fastest dive of all birds, clocking in ay 242 mph, according to guinnessworldrecords.com?

The Peregrine Falcon

79. What do Penguins typically use as currency?


80. What is believed to be the farthest migrating bird in the world?

The Arctic Tern

81. What is the only bird that is known to be capable of flying backwards?

The Hummingbird

82. According to researchers, up to how many times can a woodpecker peck in a second?

20 Times

83. What is the name of the largest species of owl?

The Great Horned Owl

84. According to the abcbirds.org, how many known species of woodpeckers are native to the United States of America?

23 Species

85. What is believed to be the biggest known bird on planet earth?

The Common Ostrich

86. What is considered to be the deadliest bird to humans in the world, according to loc.gov?

The Cassowary

87. Which animal can only eat with its head upside down?


88. Which currently living bird has the largest wingspan of all known birds?

The Wandering Albatross

89. According to audubon.org, what is the smallest bird in the world?

Bee Hummingbirds

90. What is the only known bird in the world, with nostrils at the end of its beak?

The Kiwi Bird

91. Which bird throws a leaf or stick into water, luring fish to the surface to eat?

The Green Heron

92. What bird is also known as the Sea Parrot, because of its colorful bill, and its black and white body?

The Puffin

93. While the male peafowl is known as the peacock, what is the female peafowl called?

A Peahen

94. While it is commonly accepted that flamingos turn pink because of their diets of brine shrimp and algae, what color are they really?


95. According to an ancient story of Rome being attacked by the Gauls, what was the first bird to be domesticated by man?

The Goose

96. What chicken breed is considered to be the largest on the planet?

The Jersey Giant

97. According to birdlife.org, how many species of penguins are there on the planet?

Eighteen Species

98. According to allaboutbirds.org, what is the name of the bird that is known for building mud nests?

Barn Swallows

99. What type of bird is the character Big Bird on the children’s television show Sesame Street?

A Canary

100. What type of bird has been the national bird of the United States since 1782?

The Bald Eagle

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Canine Trivia

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Canines, also known as dogs, are a species of mammal that are part of the family Canidae. Canines are highly social animals that are often kept as pets and are known for their loyalty and companionship. Canines have been domesticated for thousands of years and come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors. They have a keen sense of smell and hearing, and are often used in police work, search and rescue, and other forms of assistance. Canines are also used in many sports, such as agility and obedience competitions.

If you love dogs (as much as we do), keep reading for 25 canine trivia questions and answers!

Canine Trivia Questions & Answers

101. What are considered to be the least intelligent dogs based on their lack of instinctive, adaptive, working, and obedient intelligence, according to psychologytoday.com?

Afghan Hounds

102. How many vocal sounds do dogs have?


103. What is generally accepted as the smallest breed of dog in the world?

The Chihuahua

104. It has been disputed as to which country the French poodle has originated from; which two countries have claimed origination of this breed?

Germany and France

105. What color are Dalmatians when they are born?


106. What is generally accepted as the largest known species of wild dog on earth?

The Northwestern Wolf

107. What is known to be the fastest domestic dog breed in the world?

The Greyhound

108. What is commonly considered to be, the largest domestic dog breed in the world?

The English Mastiff

109. What is the scientific name for the domestic dog?

Canis lupus familiaris

110. What is the name of the breed of dogs that have webbed feet?


111. What is the most popular breed of dog in the United States?

Labrador Retriever

112. How many breeds of dogs are recognized by the American Kennel Club?

Over 190

113. What is the average life expectancy of a healthy dog, according to petmd.com?

10-13 Years

114. According to a-z-animals.com, which breed of dog is considered the most dangerous?

The Pit Bull

115. Which dog breed has the strongest bite force, measuring in at 743 PSI?

The Kangal Shepherd

116. What type of dog breed has weighed in as the heaviest of all time?

Saint Bernard

117. What is the name of the longest living recorded dog in history?

“Bluey” and Australian Cattle Dog

118. What kind of dog breed was sold in China in 2014 for $2 million?

A Golden-haired Tibetan Mastiff

119. What type of dog was bred specifically to hunt puffins?

Norwegian Lundehund

120. What kind of dog was Cujo, from the movie Cujo?

A Saint Bernard

121. What is the name of the breed of dog that was bred to hunt badgers?

The Dachshund

122. What is the name of the breed of dog that is known as the “Nanny Dog”?

Staffordshire Bull Terrier

123. What is the name of the Canadian breed of dog that is known for its natural swimming ability?

The Newfoundland

124. According to activewild.com, how many species of wild dogs are there?

35 Species

125. What kind of dog was Lassie, from the TV show Lassie?

A Rough Collie

Cattle Trivia

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Cattle are a type of domesticated livestock animal, typically cows, that are raised for their milk, meat, and other products. Cattle are often kept in herds and graze on pastures or feedlots. They are typically raised for their milk, which is used to produce cheese, yogurt, and other dairy products. The meat from cattle is also commonly used to produce beef, veal, and other meats. Cattle are one of the oldest forms of livestock, and have been domesticated for thousands of years.

If cows interest you, check out these 25 cattle trivia questions and answers.

Cattle Trivia Questions & Answers

126. How many stomachs do cows have?


127. What is the scientific name for cattle?

Bos taurus

128. What two colors are the most common coat colors in cattle?

Red and black

129. What is the average lifespan of a cow?

10-20 years

130. What is the name for a male calf?

Bull calf

131. What is the most common breed of cattle raised in the United States?


132. What is the name of the process that involves the insertion of a metal ring in the nose of a cow?


133. How much milk can a cow produce in a day?

Up to 25 gallons

134. What is the name of the process that involves the removal of horns from a cow?


135. What is the name of a female calf?


136. What is the average weight of a cow?

1,400-1,800 pounds

137. How many teats does a cow have?


138. What is the term for a group of cows?


139. What is the term for a male cow that has been castrated?


140. What type of animal is a yak?


141. How many chromosomes do cattle have?


142. What is the average gestation period of a cow?

Nine months

143. What is the term for a young cow that has not yet given birth for the first time?


144. What type of animal is a bison?


145. What is the name for a female cow that has given birth?


146. What is the name for a group of calves?

Calf crop

147. What is the name for the process of artificially inseminating a cow?

Artificial insemination

148. What type of animal is a water buffalo?


149. What is the average weight of a newborn calf?

60-120 pounds

150. What is the most common breed of dairy cattle?


Elephant Trivia

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Elephants are the largest living land mammal and are found in several areas of the world, including Africa, Southeast Asia, and the Indian subcontinent. They are known for their large size, curved tusks, and trunk, which is used for grasping, lifting, and communication. Elephants are highly intelligent, social animals and live in matriarchal societies. They are herbivores and feed on grass, leaves, bark, and fruit. Elephants are also known for their long lifespans, with some individuals living up to 70 years.

If you love elephants, read on for 25 elephant trivia questions and answers!

Elephant Trivia Questions & Answers

151. What is generally accepted as the largest species of Elephant known to man?

The African Elephant

152. Which known mammal remains pregnant for the longest period of time, at 95 weeks of gestation?

The Elephant

153. According to bbc.co.uk, how long do elephants typically sleep for, when in their natural habitat?

About 2 Hours a Day

154. What currently living animal is the elephant most closely related to, according to globalelephants.org?

The Rock Hyrax

155. Based on the number of scent receptors, which elephant has the best sense of smell of all terrestrial mammals? 

The African Elephant

156. What is the scientific name of the African elephant?

Loxodonta africana

157. How many subspecies of African elephants are there?

Two – the savanna elephant and the forest elephant.

158. What is the largest land mammal in the world?

The African elephant

159. How long is an elephant’s trunk?

An adult elephant’s trunk can measure up to 7.5 feet long

160. What type of teeth do elephants have?

Elephants have molars that grow continuously throughout their life

161. How much does an adult elephant weigh?

An adult African elephant can weigh up to 7 tons

162. How long do elephants live?

Elephants can live up to 70 years in the wild

163. How many toes does an elephant have on their front feet?


164. What is the gestation period of an elephant?

22 months

165. What is the largest tuskless elephant in the world?

A female African elephant named Mlaika

166. What do elephants use as sunblock?

Dirt and Hay

167. How long can an elephant’s ears be?

Up to 6 feet long

168. Besides their ears, what other body part do elephants use to hear?

Their Feet

169. How many muscles does an elephant’s trunk have?

40,000 muscles

170. What is the name of the special flap on the end of an elephant’s trunk?

The finger

171. How long is an elephant’s tail?

Up to 5 feet long

172. What type of diet do elephants have?

Elephants are herbivores and eat grass, leaves, bark, and roots

173. What is the name of the largest elephant ever recorded?

An African elephant named Jumbo

174. What is the lifespan of an elephant in captivity?

40 to 60 years

175. In which religion and culture are elephants worshipped?


Feline Trivia

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Felines are a group of mammals known for their distinctive features, such as their sharp claws, pointed ears, and long tails. They are also characterized by their agility, grace, and ability to climb. Felines are carnivorous hunters, and range in size from the domestic house cat to the majestic lion. They can be found in a variety of habitats around the world, and are among the most popular pets in many countries.

To learn more fun facts about cats, check out these 25 feline trivia questions & answers!

Feline Trivia Questions & Answers

176. Do tigers have striped skin or striped fur?


177. What is the scientific name for a house cat?

Felis catus

178. A black panther is actually a black version of these two other big cats?

Leopard or Jaguar

179. What are the three main types of cats?

Domestic cats, wild cats, and hybrid cats.

180. How many muscles does a normal cat have in each ear?


181. What are the four main cat breeds?

Persian, Siamese, Maine Coon, and Bengal

182. What are a collective group of kittens called?

A Kindle

183. What are the two most common eye colors in cats?

Green or yellow

184. How many vocals sounds do cats have?

Over 100

185. How many toes does a cat typically have on each paw?


186. According to cheetah.org, how long can a cheetah live in the wild?

Up to 12 Years

187. What is the average lifespan of a domestic cat?

12 to 18 years

188. According to discoverwildlife.org, this animal is the most efficient predator, with a 38% hunting success rate of kills?

The Leopard

189. What is known to be the fastest land animal on earth?


190. How much do house cats typically weigh?

8 to 10 pounds

191. A male lion and a female tiger would breed what kind of animal?

A Liger

192. What are the three ways cats communicate with each other?

Vocalizations, body language, & scent marking

193. A female lion and a male tiger would breed what kind of animal?

A Tigon

194. What are a collective group of cats called?

A Glaring

195. How many teeth do cats typically have?

30 teeth

196. What is generally accepted as the largest living known species of wild cat on earth?

The Siberian or the Amur Tiger

197. What is known to be the fastest domestic cat breed in the world, according to guinnessworldrecords.com?

The Egyptian Mau

198. What are the two types of fur cats have?

Guard hairs & awn hairs

199. What is commonly considered to be, the largest of the true domestic cat breed in the world, according to omlet.co.uk?

Maine Coons

200. How many canine teeth do cats typically have?


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Fish & Water Organisms Trivia

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Fish & water organisms are animals that live in a liquid environment, usually in bodies of water such as oceans, rivers, lakes, ponds, and streams. Fish are the most common water organism and are divided into different species such as salmon, trout, bass, and catfish. Other water organisms include amphibians, reptiles, mollusks, crustaceans, and aquatic plants. These organisms live in different parts of the water, from the surface to the depths, and each has its own unique adaptations and behaviors. Many water organisms play an important role in the food chain, providing food for larger predators and living in symbiotic relationships with other species.

Do you love fish? Read on for 25 fish and water organism trivia questions and answers.

Fish & Water Organisms Trivia Questions & Answers

201. What is believed to be the fastest swimming fish, swimming up to 68 mph?

The Sailfish

202. Besides the hydra, what is the only known animal that can live forever?

The Immortal Jellyfish or Turritopsis Dohrnii

203. What are generally believed to be the farthest migrating fish?

The Gilded Catfish

204. What is the only animal that has been confirmed to see in black and white?


205. What are a collective group of clams called?

A Bed

206. Which animal can, within a few milliseconds, accelerate to a velocity of nearly 1000 body lengths per second?


207. How many hearts do most species of squid have?


208. What is the only animal known to man, where the males give birth?


209. According to nationalgeographic.com, how far can a flying fish fly?

1312 Feet

210. In what part of the body is a shrimp’s heart located?

The Head

211. What is the biggest fish on the planet, according to oceanservice.noaa.gov?

Rhincodon Typus or the Whale Shark

212. How many bones does an octopus have in its body?


213. When mating, which male fish attaches itself to the female, and lives out the rest of its life attached to its partner, until they both die?

The Anglerfish

214. What are a collective group of sardines called?

A Family

215. What is the most venomous fish to humans, which can inject a venom that is capable of killing an adult person in less than an hour, according to ocreana.org?

The Stonefish

216. What are a collective group of sharks called?

A Shiver

217. How many hearts does an octopus have?


218. How many hearts does a jellyfish have?


219. Where are a starfish’s eyes located?

At the end of the arms

220. How many eyes does a box jellyfish have?

Twenty four

221. How fast does the Peacock Mantis Shrimp punch, according to nationalgeographic.com?

50 mph

222. How many brains does a starfish have?


223. How many brains does a jellyfish have?


224. What is the only known vertebrate that uses a second set of jaws to both restrain and transport prey?

The Moray Eel

225. Which type of knife fish, can discharge an electric shock reaching as high as 860 volts, the most powerful of any animal known to science?

The Electrophorus Voltai

Flying & Gliding Mammals Trivia

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Flying and gliding mammals are animals that have adapted their bodies for sustained flight or gliding. These animals usually have wings or flaps of skin that help them stay in the air for longer periods of time. Some examples of flying and gliding mammals include flying squirrels, bats, and flying lemurs. Flying squirrels have large flaps of skin that stretch from their wrists to their ankles, creating a “wing” that helps them glide from tree to tree. Bats have wings made of skin and are able to fly in the air and maneuver quickly. Flying lemurs have flaps of skin on their sides that help them glide through the air. All of these animals are able to stay in the air for extended periods of time and travel long distances.

If flying and gliding mammals intrigue you, read on for 25 trivia questions about them, chock full of interesting facts!

Flying & Gliding Mammals Trivia Questions & Answers

226. What is the only mammal known to be capable of self sustained flight?


227. How many colors can a bat see?

None, they are Colorblind

228. What is the scientific name for the flying squirrel?


229. What is the scientific name for the flying mammal commonly known as a bat?


230. What type of gliding mammal is found in the Amazon rainforest?

Gliding possums

231. How many species of bat are there in the world?

Over 1,400

232. What is the average speed of a gliding mammal in flight?

15-20 mph

233. What type of animals are bats classified as?


234. What is the longest recorded gliding distance for a gliding mammal?

450 meters

235. What is the smallest species of bat?

The Bumblebee Bat

236. What type of skin membrane is used by gliding mammals to enable flight?


237. What is the largest species of bat?

The Giant Golden-Crowned Flying Fox

238. What type of gliding mammal is found in the Himalayan mountains?

Himalayan Flying Squirrel

239. What type of wings do bats have?

Membranous wings

240. What type of gliding mammal is the only one found in North America?

Northern Flying Squirrel

241. What type of body covering do bats have?


242. What type of gliding mammal is found in the southern hemisphere?

Sugar Glider

243. What type of teeth do bats have?

Sharp, pointed incisors and canines

244. What type of gliding mammal has the longest patagium?

Greater Glider

245. How do bats use echolocation to navigate?

They emit sound waves and listen to the echoes that bounce back off objects to help them determine their location and size of objects

246. What type of gliding mammal is native to Southeast Asia?

Malayan Flying Fox

247. What type of diet do most bats feed on?


248. What type of gliding mammal is found in the forests of Central and South America?


249. How long do bats typically live?

Up to 30 years in the wild

250. How many species of gliding mammals are there in the world?

About 40 species

Giraffe Trivia

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Giraffes are the tallest living land animals on the planet. They are native to Africa and can be found grazing on the savannas and woodlands of the continent. Giraffes have long necks and legs, and their fur is covered in distinctive brown and white spots. They have large eyes and long eyelashes, and the male of the species has a pair of short, skin-covered horns on the top of its head. Giraffes are herbivores and feed primarily on the leaves and twigs of trees and shrubs. They typically move slowly and can reach speeds of up to 35 miles per hour when galloping. Giraffes are social animals and live in herds with other giraffes.

If you are fascinated by giraffes, these 25 giraffe trivia questions and answers are for you!

Giraffe Trivia Questions & Answers

251. What does a giraffe use to clean its own ears?

Its Tongue

252. What is the closest living relative to the giraffe?

The Okapi

253. How tall can a giraffe grow?

Up to 18 feet tall

254. How much does a giraffe weigh?

Up to 1,500 pounds

255. What is the scientific name for a giraffe?

Giraffa camelopardalis

256. How long is a giraffe’s tongue?

Up to 20 inches in length

257. How many subspecies of giraffe are there?

Nine subspecies

258. What is the rarest giraffe in the world?

Rothschild’s giraffe

259. What does the diet of a giraffe predominantly consist of?

Leaves, flowers, and fruits

260. How long do giraffes typically live?

Between 20 and 25 years in the wild

261. How fast can a giraffe run?

Up to 35 mph

262. What is a group of giraffes called?

A tower

263. What colors are a giraffe’s spots typically?

Brown, tan, or yellow

264. What is the average gestation period for a giraffe?

15 months

265. How many horns does a giraffe have?

Giraffes have two horns

266. How often do giraffes typically give birth?

Every two or three years

267. Do giraffes have vocal cords?

Yes, giraffes have vocal cords and can make low-frequency sounds

268. How far can a giraffe see?

Up to 3 miles away

269. What is the scientific name for a baby giraffe?

A calve

270. How long are a giraffe’s legs?

Up to 8 feet in length

271. What is the average height of a newborn giraffe?

About 6 feet tall

272. How many vertebrae does a giraffe have in its neck?

Giraffes have seven vertebrae in their neck

273. Do giraffes have the same number of neck vertebrae as humans?

Giraffes have seven, humans have six

274. What type of animal is a giraffe related to?

Deer & cattle

275. Are giraffes endangered?

Yes, some subspecies of giraffe are endangered

Hippopotamus Trivia

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Hippopotamuses are large, semi-aquatic mammals native to sub-Saharan Africa. They are most recognizable by their bulky bodies, short legs, and huge heads with large, protruding eyes and long, thick lips. Hippos spend most of their days submerged in water to keep their sensitive skin cool. They feed mostly on grasses and are capable of staying underwater for up to five minutes. Despite their large and intimidating size, hippos are relatively peaceful animals, primarily interacting with other hippos to establish hierarchy and mate.

Want to learn more about hippos? The following 25 hippopotamus trivia questions and answers will surely do the trick!

Hippopotamus Trivia Questions & Answers

276. What is the colloquial term for the oily fluid the Hippopotamus secretes from special glands in their skin for cooling, water repelling, moisturizer, and for antibiotics?

“Blood Sweat”

277. How fast can a hippo run, according to stlzoo.org?

Up to 30 Miles Per Hour

278. What is the scientific name for a Hippopotamus?

Hippopotamus amphibius

279. How many subspecies of Hippopotamus are there?


280. What is the average weight of an adult Hippopotamus?

About 3,000 to 4,500 kg

281. Where do Hippopotamuses live?

In rivers and lakes in Africa

282. How much of a Hippopotamus’ life is spent in water?

About 80-90%

283. What is the average lifespan of a Hippopotamus?

About 40 to 50 years

284. How fast can a Hippopotamus run on land?

Up to 30 km/hr

285. How deep can a Hippopotamus dive?

About 5 meters

286. What type of diet does a Hippopotamus have?


287. How many toes does a Hippopotamus have on each foot?


288. How much time does a Hippopotamus spend resting each day?

About 16 hours

289. What is the social structure of a Hippopotamus group?

A matriarchal society

290. What is the gestation period of a Hippopotamus?

8 months

291. What is the average size of a Hippopotamus litter?

About 2-3 calves

292. Are Hippopotamuses endangered?

Yes, they are vulnerable

293. How tall is an adult Hippopotamus?

About 1.5 to 2 meters

294. What is the scientific name for a baby Hippopotamus?

A calf

295. How much does a baby Hippopotamus weigh at birth?

About 45 kg

296. How many teeth does a Hippopotamus have?

Up to 40

297. What is the main defense mechanism of a Hippopotamus?

They can run quickly and bite

298. What is the scientific name for a Hippopotamus’ nostrils?

Nostrils are called nares

299. What type of coat does a Hippopotamus have?

A thick, reddish-gray skin

300. What is the scientific name for the large mammal family that includes Hippopotamuses?

The order Artiodactyla

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Horse Trivia

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Horses are mammals of the equine family. They are social animals that live in herds and are used for transportation, work, recreation, and competition. Horses have been domesticated for thousands of years, and they are known for their intelligence, strength, and beauty. They have an amazing sense of balance and can be trained to do a variety of tasks. Horses come in many different breeds and colors and are a popular pet and show animal.

Learn more about these beautiful creatures using these 25 horse trivia questions and answers.

Horse Trivia Questions & Answers

301. How long does it generally take for a baby horse to start walking?

About 30 Minutes

302. What is the average speed of a horse in a gallop?

Approximately 32 mph

303. What type of horse is the fastest?


304. How many legs does a horse have?


305. How long is the gestation period of a horse?

Eleven months

306. How many hooves does a horse have?


307. How many teeth does a horse have?


308. What is the tallest breed of horse?

The Shire

309. What is the average lifespan of a horse?

25-30 years

310. How long is the mane of a horse?

Between 8 and 12 inches

311. What is the average weight of a horse?

900-1,200 pounds

312. What is the average height of a horse?

Between 14 and 17 hands

313. How many colors are horses typically?


314. What is the most popular color of horses?


315. What is the name of a baby horse?


316. What is the name of a female horse?


317. What is the name of a male horse?


318. What is the name of a castrated male horse?


319. What is the name of a group of horses?

A herd

320. What is the name of an adult male horse?

A stallion

321. What is the name of a horse’s tail?

A tail or a switch

322. What type of horse is the strongest?

Draft horses

323. What type of horse is the most nimble?

Arabian horses

324. What type of horse is the most intelligent?

The Akhal-Teke

325. What type of horse is the most versatile?

The American Quarter Horse

Insect & Arachnid Trivia

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Insects and arachnids are members of the arthropod phylum. Insects have six legs, and their body is divided into three parts: head, thorax and abdomen. They also have a pair of antennae, compound eyes, and wings (in some species). Arachnids have eight legs, and their body is divided into two parts: the cephalothorax and the abdomen. They have four pairs of legs and lack antennae and wings. Both insects and arachnids play important roles in their ecosystems, such as pollinators, predators, decomposers, and prey.

If you love creepy crawlies, these 25 Insect and arachnid trivia questions and answers will surely provide you with some entertainment.

Insect & Arachnid Trivia Questions & Answers

326. According to scientificamerican.com, how long have honey bees been living on earth?

Around 130 Million Years

327. What is statistically, the deadliest animal in the world to humans?

The Mosquito

328. How long can the female mayfly, the Dolania americana live for?

5 Minutes

329. What is the most venomous spider to man, according to guinnessworldrecords.com?

The Sydney Funnel Web Spider

330. According to npr.org, which insect can leap the farthest?

The Spittle Bug

331. Compared to its body weight, what is the strongest animal in the world known to man?

The Dung Beetle

332. Considered the strongest biological material ever studied, which spider can spin the strongest silk?

Darwin’s Bark Spider

333. According to honeyassociation.com, how many miles do bees fly to make 1 pound of honey?

90,000 miles

334. What are a collective group of bees called?

A Bike of Bees

335. What is the only known animal that can survive in outer space?


336. Which water insect makes the loudest sound relative to its size, compared to all the animals in the animal kingdom?

The Water Boatman

337. What are a collective group of caterpillars called?

An Army

338. According to nationalgeographic.com, what is believed to be the largest type of spider in the world?

Goliath Birdeater Tarantula

339. According to bbc.com, what is the biggest known earthworm in the world?

The Giant Gippsland Earthworm

340. According to nationalgeographic.com, which scorpion has the deadliest sting of all scorpions?

The Indian Red Scorpion

341. What is the largest known butterfly in the world, according to scientificamerican.com?

The Queen Alexandra’s Birdwing

342. According to nationalgeographic.com, what is the smallest butterfly on the planet known to man?

The Western Pygmy Blue Butterfly

343. What is believed to be the worlds most poisonous butterfly, having no known enemies due to its toxicity?

The African Giant Swallowtail

344. How many muscles does the common caterpillar have in its head?

248 Muscles

345. What part of the body does a butterfly taste with?

The Feet

346. According to nationalgeographic.com, what type of shrimp punches approximately 50 mph?

The Peacock Mantis

347. Which known animal has the fastest snapping jaw, moving at over 200 miles per hour?

The Trap-jaw Ant

348. What is commonly believed to be the largest caterpillar in the world?

Hickory Horned Devil

349. What is believed to be the largest known moth in the world?

The Atlas Moth

350. What is believed to be the deadliest known caterpillar in the world?

Lonomia Obliqua or the Giant Silkworm Moth

Marine Mammals Trivia

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Marine mammals are mammals that live in or depend on marine environments for at least part of their lives. They are adapted to the marine environment and are able to survive and thrive in it. Marine mammals include whales, dolphins, porpoises, seals, walruses, sea otters, manatees, dugongs, and polar bears. These animals are warm-blooded, breathe air, give birth to live young, and produce milk to feed their young. They are found in all oceans on the planet and in many coastal areas. Marine mammals are an important part of the oceanic food web and play a critical role in the health of the marine environment.

Learn more about marine mammals with these 25 marine mammal trivia questions and answers; they are chock full of cool information!

Marine Mammals Trivia Questions & Answers

351. How much weight can a baby whale gain every day, according to nationalgeographic.com?

About 200 Pounds

352. Up to what length can the Antarctic blue whale grow to, according to fisheries.noaa.gov?

About 110 Feet

353. Which known animal has the most powerful and directional sonar signal of any species?

The Narwhal

354. Which animal has the longest memory known to scientists, according to bbc.co.uk?

The Dolphin

355. What is the first known non human mammal that was able to keep a beat?

A Sea Lion

356. Which animal produces the loudest sound on earth that can be naturally processed and heard by man?

The Blue Whale

357. How many times does a blue whale’s heart beat when it dives for food, according to newscientist.com?


358. What are a collective group of walruses called?

A Huddle

359. Which known animal has the thickest fur in the animal kingdom?

The Sea Otter

360. What is the name of this chunky, stocky whale, with a small rounded head and a long tusk, which can grow nine feet long in length?

The Narwhal

361. What is the Narwhal’s “tusk”, actually?

A Tooth

362. Which cute furry animal, is known to hold hands with its young in the water, to not drift apart while sleeping?

Sea Otters

363. Which water mammals are believed by scientists, to call each other by name, using unique whistles to identify one another?


364. What is the only marine mammal that is venomous?

The Box Jellyfish

365. What is the smallest marine mammal?

The Vaquita

366. How many species of marine mammals are there?

90 species of marine mammals

367. What is the deepest-diving marine mammal, which can dive to depths of 9,800 meters?

The Cuvier’s beaked whale

368. What is the fastest marine mammal, able to reach speeds of up to 34 miles per hour?

The orca

369. What is the most endangered marine mammal, with only an estimated 30 individuals remaining in the wild?

The Vaquita

370. What is the most widespread marine mammal?

The common bottlenose dolphin

371. What marine mammal is the largest?

The blue whale

372. What is the loudest marine mammal, producing sounds at up to 140 decibels?

The beluga whale

373. What is the oldest living marine mammal, living up to 200 years?

The bowhead whale

374. What marine mammal has the longest migration, traveling up to 10,000 miles each year?

The gray whale

375. What marine mammal is the most intelligent according to most scientists?

The bottlenose dolphin

Marsupial Trivia

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Marsupials are a type of mammal that are characterised by the presence of a pouch, known as a marsupium, in which they carry and nurture their developing young. These mammals are found mainly in the Americas and Australia, and range in size from the tiny marsupial mouse to the large kangaroo. Marsupials are generally characterised by their short gestation period, which allows the birth of very immature young that then complete their development in the pouch. The pouch is an important adaptation, as it allows the young to be born prematurely and then continue to grow and develop in the safe, warm environment of the pouch. These fascinating looking creatures are pretty amazing.

Check out these 25 marsupial trivia questions and answers to learn some interesting fun facts about them!

Marsupial Trivia Questions & Answers

376. Which known animal has fingerprints that are most similar to humans?


377. What is the only known species of animal that poops cube shaped feces?

The Wombat

378. What is believed to be the largest burrowing marsupial known, in the world?

The Common Wombat

379. What is the scientific name for the kangaroo?

Macropus giganteus

380. What type of marsupial is the Tasmanian devil?

Sarcophilus harrisii

381. What is the smallest marsupial in the world?

The long-tailed planigale

382. What type of marsupial is the koala?

Phascolarctos cinereus

383. Where do koalas live?


384. What type of marsupial is the wallaby?


385. What type of marsupial is the quokka?

Setonix brachyurus

386. What is the scientific name for the possum?


387. What type of marsupial is the sugar glider?

Petaurus breviceps

388. What type of marsupial is the Tasmanian tiger?

Thylacinus cynocephalus

389. What type of marsupial is the bandicoot?


390. What type of marsupial is the numbat?

Myrmecobius fasciatus

391. What type of marsupial is the bilby?

Macrotis lagotis

392. What type of marsupial is the wombat?


393. What type of marsupial is the dunnart?


394. What type of marsupial is the marsupial mole?


395. Where do Tasmanian devils live?


396. What type of marsupial is the marmoset?


397. What type of marsupial is the kowari?

Dasycercus byrnei

398. What type of marsupial is the ringtail possum?

Pseudocheirus peregrinus

399. What type of marsupial is the brushtail possum?

Trichosurus vulpecula

400. What type of marsupial is the musky rat-kangaroo?


Monotremes Trivia

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Monotremes are a type of mammal that lay eggs instead of giving birth to live young. They are one of the three living groups of mammals, along with marsupials, and placental mammals. Monotremes are found mostly in Australia, and include the platypus and several species of echidnas. These mammals are best known for their unique egg-laying and milk-producing capabilities, as well as for their distinctly shaped beaks and duck-like feet. Monotremes have a primitive anatomy, with a reduced number of bones, fewer teeth, and a lower metabolic rate than other mammals. They also have a longer lifespan than other mammals, with some monotremes living up to 20 years.

These exotic monotremes are certainly worth learning about. You can do so by reading these 25 monotreme trivia questions and answers!

Monotremes Trivia Questions & Answers

401. Besides the platypus, what is the only other mammals that lays eggs?

The Echidna or Spiny Anteater

402. What is generally accepted as the most venomous male mammal on earth?

The Platypus

403. Which animal is known to have a four headed male sexual organ?

The Echidna

404. What is the scientific name of the echidna?

Tachyglossus aculeatus

405. What is the name of the spine-covered appendage that echidnas use to dig?

A spinesheath

406. How many species of echidna exist?

Four species

407. How many toes does an echidna have on each foot?


408. How many eggs does an echidna lay at one time?


409. What is the name of the pouch in which the echidna carries its young?

A marsupium

410. How long does it take for an echidna’s egg to hatch?

About 10 days

411. What is the echidna’s main source of food?

Insects, larvae, and worms

412. What type of animal is a platypus?

A mammal

413. What is the scientific name of the platypus?

Ornithorhynchus anatinus

414. Where are platypuses found in the wild?

Eastern Australia and Tasmania

415. How many species of platypus are there?

Just one

416. How long can a platypus live in captivity?

Up to 20 years

417. What type of diet do platypuses have?


418. How much does a platypus weigh?

About 1 to 2 kg

419. What type of animal is the male platypus?

Monotreme, meaning egg-laying mammal

420. What type of animal is a monotreme?

Monotremes are a type of mammal

421. How many species of monotreme are there?

There are 5 species of monotreme

422. What is the scientific name for the platypus?

The scientific name for the platypus is Ornithorhynchus anatinus

423. Where can monotremes be found in the wild?

Monotremes can be found in Australia, New Guinea, and Tasmania

424. What is the main difference between monotremes and other mammals?

The main difference between monotremes and other mammals is that monotremes lay eggs rather than giving birth to live young

425. What type of environment do monotremes prefer?

Monotremes prefer wet, marshy environments such as swamps, streams, and rivers

Primate Trivia

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Primate is a term used to refer to any member of the biological order Primata, which is composed of two suborders: Prosimii (lemurs, lorises, and tarsiers) and Anthropoidea (monkeys, apes, and humans). Primates are characterized by their large brains, long grasping limbs, and use of tools. Primates are found in tropical and subtropical regions of the world, and some species are endangered due to habitat destruction and hunting.

If you want to learn some really fun stuff about primates, the following 25 primate trivia questions and answers will certainly provide some solid entertainment.

Primate Trivia Questions & Answers

426. What is generally accepted as the largest species of monkey known to man?

The Mandrill

427. What is the genetic percentage difference between humans and bonobos, according to humanorigins.si.edu?


428. How much can a gorilla eat per day, according to discoverwildlife.com?

Up to 40 Pounds

429. What is the scientific name for the gorilla?

Gorilla gorilla

430. What is the smallest species of monkey?

The pygmy marmoset

431. What is the common name for the family of primates called Prosimians?


432. What type of primates are chimpanzees?

Great apes

433. What are the four types of primates?

Prosimians, New World Monkeys, Old World Monkeys, and Apes

434. What is the most widespread primate species?


435. What type of primates are orangutans?

Great apes

436. What type of social structure do primates live in?

They live in a variety of social structures including monogamous, polygamous and matriarchal societies

437. What is the scientific name for gibbons?


438. What is the scientific name for the common marmoset?

Callithrix jacchus

439. What type of primates are spider monkeys?

New World Monkeys

440. What type of primates are baboons?

Old World Monkeys

441. What type of primates are lemurs?


442. What is the common name for the family of primates called Simians?


443. What is the scientific name for the bonobo?

Pan paniscus

444. What type of primates are macaques?

Old World Monkeys

445. What is the most endangered primate species?

The Cross River Gorilla

446. What type of primates are capuchins?

New World Monkeys

447. What is the scientific name for the orangutan?

Pongo pygmaeus

448. What is known to be the largest nocturnal primate in the world?

The Aye Aye

449. What do many monkeys use to wash their hands and feet?

Their Own Urine

450. Besides humans, what is the only primate that can have blue eyes?

The Black Lemur

Reptile Trivia

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Reptiles are a class of vertebrate animals that have scaly, dry skin, and are cold-blooded. They are air-breathing, and most lay eggs on land. The vast majority of reptiles have four legs and a long, tapering tail. Examples of reptiles include turtles, snakes, lizards, crocodiles, and alligators. Reptiles can be found in almost all parts of the world, and many species are endangered. Reptiles have been around for millions of years, and their ancestors were some of the first animals to appear on land. Reptiles are well adapted to their environment, and their scaly skin helps them to regulate their body temperature, as well as providing protection from predators.

For some fascinating reptile facts, check out these 25 reptile trivia questions and answers.

Reptile Trivia Questions & Answers

451. What is the name of the snake that can glide up to 100 meters through the air?

Chrysopelea or Flying Snake

452. According to sciencefocus.com, which animal has the strongest bite force of 5,000 PSI?

The Nile Crocodile

453. What are a collective group of iguanas called?

A Mess

454. Which dinosaur was the closest living relative of the chicken and ostrich, when comparing DNA and bone structure?

Tyrannosaurus Rex

455. What are a collective group of rattle snakes called?

A Rhumba

456. What is the largest snake in the world according to nationalgeographic.com?

The Green Anaconda

457. What is generally accepted as the largest lizard in the world known to man?

The Komodo Dragon

458. Which type of tortoises are believed to have the longest lifespan, of an estimated 255 years?

The Galápagos Tortoise

459. What is believed to be, the largest type of living turtle known to man?

The Leatherback Turtle

460. What is the largest known reptile that exists on planet earth?

The Saltwater Crocodile

461. What animal is generally believed to swallow stones to aid in digestion and possibly, to stay underwater longer?


462. Which lizard shoots blood out of its eyes, as a way to thwart predators?

The Short Horned Lizard

463. According to bbc.com, what is the smallest known reptile on the planet?

The Jaragua Lizard

464. Which turtle is known to have the strongest turtle bite strength of 1,000 pounds and body weight of up to over 200 pounds?

The Alligator Snapping Turtle

465. According to nature.org, what is the fastest swimming turtle in the world?

The Leatherback Sea Turtle

466. According to the Wikipedia, what lizard has fastest sprint of all lizards?


467. Which turtle uses its worm like tongue to lure in and capture fish?

The Alligator Snapping Turtle

468. Which reptile is also known as the flying dragon?

The Draco Lizard

469. What is the largest known reptile that can regenerate limbs?

The Alligator

470. Which reptile is statistically accepted as the most aggressive towards humans, killing about 1,000 people per year?

The Saltwater Crocodile

471. Which lizard waves as a sign of acknowledgement, fear, or submission?

The Bearded Dragon

472. Which reptile urinates from its mouth?

Pelodiscus Sinensis or Chinese Soft Shelled Turtle

473. What is largely considered to be the smallest snake in the world, according to britannica.com?

Leptotyphlops Carlae or The Barbados Thread Snake

474. What is the fastest reptile on land?

The spiny-tailed iguana can reach speeds of up to 36 miles per hour

475. What is the largest reptile in the world?

The saltwater crocodile is the largest reptile, with some specimens reaching up to 20 feet in length

Rhinoceroses Trivia

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Rhinoceroses are large mammals of the family Rhinocerotidae. They are distinguished by their thick, protective skin and large horns. There are five species of rhinoceroses, two of which are found in Africa and three in Asia. The African species are the black rhinoceros and the white rhinoceros, while the Asian species are the Indian, Sumatran and Javan rhinoceroses. Rhinoceroses are herbivores that typically inhabit grasslands, savannas and tropical forests. They are solitary animals and communicate through vocalizations, smell and tactile senses. Rhinoceroses are threatened due to poaching and loss of habitat, and are listed as vulnerable or endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature.

If you’re a fan of the hulking rhino, read on for 25 rhinoceros trivia questions and answers!

Rhinoceroses Trivia Questions & Answers

476. What are a collective group of rhinoceroses called?

A Crash

477. Like much of human hair and finger nail composition, what are rhinoceroses horns made of?


478. What is the scientific name for rhinoceros?


479. How many species of rhinoceros exist in the world?


480. Which species of rhinoceros is the most endangered?

Black Rhinoceros

481. What is the average lifespan of a rhino in the wild?

30-50 years

482. How much body fat can a rhino have?


483. What is the average weight of an adult rhinoceros?

2000-6000 lbs

484. What is the average size of a rhinoceros horn?

20-60 cm

485. How many toes does a rhinoceros have on each foot?


486. What is the typical diet of a rhinoceros?

Herbivorous, mostly grasses, leaves and shoots

487. How much water does a rhinoceros drink in a day?

Up to 50 gallons

488. What is the average running speed of a rhinoceros?

25 mph

489. What is the average gestation period of a rhinoceros?

16-18 months

490. How many horns does a rhinoceros usually have?

One or two

491. What is the primary habitat of a rhinoceros?

Sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia

492. How much sleep does a rhinoceros typically get in a day?

Up to 16 hours

493. What is the average weight of a baby rhinoceros?

60-100 lbs

494. What is the primary defense mechanism of a rhinoceros?

Charging and trampling

495. How long can a rhinoceros remain underwater while swimming?

Up to 30 minutes

496. What is the average size of a rhinoceros brain?

800-1200 grams

497. How often does a rhinoceros mate?

Every three to four years

498. What is the primary cause of rhinoceros mortality?


499. What is the average lifespan of a rhinoceros in captivity?

40-50 years

500. What color is the skin of a rhinoceros?


Rodent & Leporidae Trivia

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Rodentia and Leporidae are two orders of mammals that belong to the same taxonomic class, Mammalia. Rodentia, commonly known as rodents, are a large and diverse group of animals that includes mice, rats, squirrels, beavers, gophers, and porcupines. They are characterized by their sharp incisors, which they use to gnaw and eat their food. Leporidae, commonly referred to as lagomorphs, are a diverse group of animals that includes rabbits, hares, and pikas. They are characterized by their long ears, long hind legs, and unique fur. They typically feed on shrubs, grasses, and other vegetation. Both orders of mammals are important to their ecosystems and play an important role in the food chain.

Rodent & Leporidae Trivia Questions & Answers

501. Which animal can go its entire life without directly drinking water?

The Kangaroo Rat

502. According to nationalgeographic.com, what are believed to be the largest currently existing rodents on earth?

The Capybara

503. What are a collective group of hamsters called?

A Horde

504. How do prairie dogs determine if they recognize one another?

They Touch Teeth

505. Which breed of rabbit is generally considered to be the largest in the world?

The Flemish Giant Rabbit

506. Which breed of rabbit is generally considered to be the smallest and one of the rarest in the world?

The Columbia Basin Pygmy Rabbit

507. According to oregonzoo.com, what is believed to be the largest porcupine in the world?

African Crested Porcupine

508. What is the smallest porcupine in the world, according to livescience.com?

The Bahia Hairy Dwarf Porcupine

509. What is the scientific name for the group of animals commonly known as rodents?


510. What is the largest rodent in the world?


511. What is the smallest rodent in the world?

Pygmy Jerboa

512. What is the most common type of rodent?

Norway Rat

513. How many species of rodents are there?

More than 2,000

514. What is the difference between a mouse and a rat?

Rats are generally larger than mice, have thicker fur, and have longer tails.

515. What is the most common type of rodent pest?

House Mouse

516. What is the average lifespan of a rodent?

2-3 years

517. Where do most rodents live?

In the ground

518. What type of food do rodents eat?

Seeds, fruits, nuts, grains, and insects.

519. What type of animal are Guinea Pigs?


520. What type of rodent is the world’s only flying squirrel?

Northern Flying Squirrel

521. What is the name of the animal that is part of the rodent family but does not have front teeth


522. What is the scientific name of the Leporidae family?


523. How many genera are there in the Leporidae family?


524. How many species of Leporidae are found in North America?


525. What is the most common type of Leporidae?

The European Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus)

Ruminant Mammals Trivia

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Ruminant mammals are comprised of deer, elk & moose. This animal family is made up of 55 species that live in every corner of the globe, excluding Sub-Saharan Africa, Australia, and Antarctica. Their habitats range from forests to grasslands to the tundra, and each one is an herbivorous ruminant – they chew their food, swallow, regurgitate, then swallow again. All of these species share a four-chambered stomach, with the first chamber being the rumen, home to the bacteria that help digest plant matter. With long legs, hoofed feet with two toes each, long heads, and short tails, the members of this family vary greatly in size, from 16 inches in height and a mere 22 pounds in weight, to a towering 7 feet tall and a whopping 1,600 pounds in weight. Moreover, many species feature the males with impressive antlers.

Ruminant Mammals Trivia Questions & Answers

526. What is generally accepted as the smallest deer in the world?

The Pudú

527. What are a collective group of elk called?

A Gang

528. What is believed to be the farthest migrating land animal?

The Caribou

529. What is the largest and tallest type of deer known to man?

The Moose

530. What is generally believed to be the smallest species of camel in the world?

The Vicuña

531. What type of teeth do ruminants have?

Ruminants have either two or three rows of teeth.

532. What are the four compartments of a ruminant’s stomach?

The four compartments are the rumen, reticulum, omasum, and abomasum.

533. What is the scientific name for the ruminant mammal group that includes cows, sheep, and goats?


534. What is the scientific name for the moose?

Alces alces

535. Where do moose live?

Moose live in North America, Europe and Asia in boreal forests and temperate broadleaf and mixed forests.

536. How long can a moose’s antlers grow?

Moose antlers can grow up to 6 feet wide

537. What is the name of the process by which ruminants regurgitate and re-chew their food?


538. What is the Latin name for the species of elk found in North America?

Cervus canadensis

539. How much can an adult male elk weigh?

Up to 700 pounds

540. What is the mating season for elk known as?

The rut

541. What is the primary food source of ruminants?

Ruminants are herbivores and primarily eat grass, leaves, and other plant material.

542. What is the name of the structure in a ruminant’s stomach that is responsible for breaking down cellulose?

The rumen

543. What is the name of the process in which ruminants swallow their food without chewing it?

Bolus swallowing

544. What is the name of the process in which ruminants digest their food in the four chambers of their stomach?


545. What type of diet do ruminants typically have?

Ruminants typically have an herbivorous diet.

546. What is a group of deer called?

A herd

547. How many species of deer are there?

Around 40 species of deer

548. What is a male deer called?

A buck

549. What is the name of the group of mammals that are known for their four-chambered stomachs?

Ruminant mammals

550. What type of diet do most ruminant mammals have?

Most ruminant mammals have a diet consisting of grasses and other vegetation.

Weasel Trivia

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Weasels are small, carnivorous mammals of the family Mustelidae. They have long, slender bodies and short legs, and are usually brown, grey, or black in color. They have sharp teeth and claws, and their diet consists mostly of small rodents and other small animals. Weasels are often seen as pests because they can cause damage to crops or livestock. They are also known to attack pets, and can be carriers of rabies. In some areas, they are protected species, while in others they are considered a nuisance and are trapped or poisoned.

Weasel Trivia Questions & Answers

551. Honey badgers are part of what animal family?

The Weasel Family

552. What is the scientific name for the common weasel?

Mustela nivalis

553. What type of animal is a weasel?


554. What is the average lifespan of a weasel in the wild?

2-3 years

555. What color is the coat of a weasel?

Brown, black and white

556. What type of habitat do weasels prefer?

Woodlands, grasslands, marshes and other areas with dense vegetation.

557. What type of food do weasels eat?

Small mammals, birds, insects, reptiles and amphibians.

558. How many species of weasel are there?


559. What is the primary defense mechanism of a weasel?

To emit a strong, unpleasant odor.

560. What is the fastest speed that a weasel can run?

10 mph

561. How many babies do weasels usually have?


562. Where do weasels live?

Throughout the Northern Hemisphere

563. What is the average size of an adult weasel?

8-12 inches

564. What type of predators do weasels have?

Foxes, owls, hawks and larger mammals

565. What type of vocalizations do weasels make?

Chirps, whistles, grunts, and squeals

566. What type of tail does a weasel have?

Long and bushy

567. How many toes does a weasel have on each foot?


568. Do weasels hibernate?


569. What color are the eyes of a weasel?


570. What is the scientific name for the least weasel?

Mustela nivalis

571. How long does it take for baby weasels to become independent?

2-3 weeks

572. What type of feet do weasels have?

Semi-retractable claws

573. What type of sleep pattern do weasels follow?

Crepuscular (active at dawn and dusk)

574. What is the average weight of a weasel?

5-6 ounces

575. What type of fur do weasels have?

Thick and waterproof

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