11 Unique Trivia Quiz Round Ideas to Upgrade Your Game

Playing trivia with friends and family means planning a fun and easy way of playing trivia. Making the game interesting means more people will enjoy the game. Incorporating fun trivia round ideas will make your game more enjoyable.

Here is a list of fun trivia ideas I have compiled which you can use for your trivia night. You can either use the categories through the list or use the ideas to make your own questions. Either way, by using these trivia round ideas, you will add some fun variety to your game, and your friends and family will have more fun playing.

1. Guess the Movie Theme

This is a fun way of incorporating trivia with movies and music which are favorite genres. There is a ton of these types of videos on YouTube, but you can use this one to play with your friends. Playing this is simple, listen to the song, and guess which movie theme is playing.

2. Guess the TV Show Song

With week after week of viewing or binge-watching classics, it becomes hard to not have our favorite TV show theme songs stored in our brains forever. Playing a guess the TV show trivia round is a fun way of recalling some of your favorite TV shows and enjoying the music and memories of your favorites episodes. To play, you hear the song, and guess the TV show it is from.

3. Guess the 80s Cartoon Theme Song

Cartoons from the past have a specific type of nostalgia that is unique to them. Some of my favorite cartoons are from the 80s. Maybe it is because that was my childhood, but something about the animation and music very very fun during that time. Playing this type of guess the song trivia about songs from 80s cartoons will bring back memories and funny anecdotes from the past. When you hear the song, guess the 80s cartoon it is from.

4. Guess the Cartoon Voices

Cartoon voices are very distinct, and when we hear them, they are quickly familiar to our ears. However, distinguishing which character voice belongs to which character can be quite tricky, making for a great trivia round category to play with friends. Listen to the clip of the cartoon character speaking and guess which cartoon character it belongs to.

5. Name the Singing Actor

You would be surprised at the number of actors who have excellent singing voices. Deciphering who is singing these songs sometimes can be a challenge. Singing voices can sound very different from speaking voices, making a name the singing actor trivia round a difficult but fun category idea. Listen to the clips of different actors singing and guess who the singer is.


6. Name the Movie Quote

Naming a movie based on a quote is a fun trivia round to play because a lot of people enjoy it. The key is, use movies that are obscure enough to provide a challenge, but no so hard that others can’t guess and won’t want to play. This is a fun and challenging trivia round idea you will have fun playing. After hearing the quote, choose the correct movie based on the quote.


7. Name That Brand Logo

You live your life needing things constantly. Brands work for our money through branding and marketing techniques so we identify some of our wants and needs with their brands. Because of this, we have seen so many logos throughout our lives. Guess the logo is a fun trivia round idea because it is a unique category and something you will enjoy playing. As the logos slowly reveal themselves, guess the brand as quickly as possible.

8. Guess The Athlete

Athletes have become larger than life celebrities and part of popular culture. With sports being as successful as they have been, more athletes have been able to create incredible income and fame. Playing guess the athlete is a fun trivia round category combining sports and picture trivia. Watch the video, and guess the athletes by picture.

9. Guess The Super Hero By Name

Comic books are an integral part of American culture, with some comics being almost 80 years old. Many have grown up reading comics and seeing the movies and TV shows of our favorite characters. Almost every comic book superhero has a name besides their alter ego character. Knowing their real names can be challenging, making it a great trivia round category. When you see the hero’s real name, try and guess their alter ego superhero name.


10. Guess The Company By Advertising Slogans

With all the marketing dollars consumer companies invest in advertising and branding, they put equally as much into their slogans. These catchy phrases become embedded in our psycho through constant marketing a repetition. You will be surprised at how many companies you will know based on their advertising slogans. To play, guess company based on their slogan.

11. Guess The Sports Team By Picture

Guessing the sports team based on a picture that represents their mascot or logo is a fun trivia category round and enjoyed by many since sports is such a popular pastime and topic. To play, you will see a series of pictures that are representations of famous NFL teams. Identify the team name based on the picture and guess which NFL team each picture is supposed to represent.

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